
Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Dr. Vapnek’s practice different from other chiropractors?
Dr. Vapnek is a highly skilled hands on doctor with a great deal of experience. He believes that massage therapy plays an integral part in speeding up recovery time in his chiropractic care. Therefore, a 15 minute massage is included in every session before the chiropractic adjustment.

How soon will I start feeling better? 
Our goal is to get you feeling better on the first visit and most patients, even in severe pain, report improvement after one treatment.

Is chiropractic treatment painful?
Our style of chiropractic is safe and effective. We use specialized tables and equipment in our office that assist to make care extremely gentle.

Will I become “addicted” to the chiropractor once I start?
No! There is a myth that once you start chiropractic care, you will be forced to return to the chiropractor for the rest of your life. This is indeed untrue! Our goal is to get you feeling better as soon as possible and then teach you how to stay that way.

Will I go broke trying to pay for my chiropractic care?
Our fees are very affordable, even for people with out health insurance. We understand that people may need several visits to resolve their problems so we make the charge for each visit extremely reasonable.